The Nosegay Bouquet
The Nosegay Bouquet
The Nosegay Bouquet
The Nosegay Bouquet
The Nosegay Bouquet
The Nosegay Bouquet
The Nosegay Bouquet

The Nosegay Bouquet


*Orders must be placed at least 24 hours before pick up time.

Getting ready for your big night? Let us make a nosegay bouquet that all your friends will be buzzing about! Lizzie Bee's bouquets are the perfect addition to that prom or homecoming look and can be customized to match your unique style.


NEUTRALS - A timeless look in whites.

PINKS - Blushes, ballet pinks and pops of magenta are flirty and fun!

BLUES - Soft Blue and white for a little bit of glam.

MAKE IT CUSTOM - We can create a boutonniere set to your custom specs-- here are some requests you can make in our "Custom Requests" box!

RIBBON COLOR// ivory, black, red, blush pink, light blue, navy, kelly green, custom (will do best to accommodate if on hand)

An example of requests that we love:

  • I'd love it in X shade of pink! (We'll work to get the colors as close as possible for you)
  • I'm allergic to lilies. (Allergies are always important to note.)
  • I don't like roses. (Tells our team to stay away from dislikes!)
  • I want tropical/garden style/dried flowers (We'll work to make sure the flowers in your arrangement match your style!)
  • I would like to use x flower in my arrangement (We'll try our best to put your requested flower in your arrangement, but we can't guarantee we'll be able to use that specific flower, and your order may be charged an additional fee)

Place Your Order & Pick-Up at our shoppe in the Lockwood District!